110-2 我的中興時代國際關中獎名單

Winner list of My NCHU Era


  Please bring your student ID card to redeem your prize at OIA office before June 30, 2022.

  High value prizes are subjected to a withholding tax that the Division of Cashier will further notice the prize-winners.

HomePod mini
4108054105 江O臻 4108039043 施O儀  
4109030403 童O 7109053123 周O玄 7110030514 Md S********a
Caves Bookstore Gift Card (NT500)
4109043023 蔡O潔 4109043012 魏O瑜 4108012080 蘇O婷
7109044049 鄭O敏 4108052056 林O汝 4108039051 郭O瑄
7110056107 盛O純 4108044012 林O晴 4109010004 高O婷
3107048024 賴O佳    
國際處神秘禮物 OIA small gift
4109032028 王O涵 4108054122 鄭O昕 4108064108 李O鈴
4107044005 曹O 4109010006 徐O涵 8110023014 阮OO庄
8110035003 A**a B**g 4110054007 許O尹 4109064023 蔡O洋
4110064217 王O傑 4109043028 許O安 4107065066 林O秀
7110030510 D*****n H******n 8110040003 A*****h P***l 7110030515 W***a K.L.