Campus Resources - Learning Chinese


The Chinese Program was established in Spring 2006 and approved by Taiwan's Ministry of Education (MOE) in Fall 2006. The program is
available in MOE's "Chinese Language Center" list, an official document for Taiwan's overseas consulates, and the local offices of the "National
Immigration Agency" to consult with when they are issuing visas to students.    
The Chinese Program is intended for those interested in learning the Chinese language and culture. Managed by NCHU's Language Center,
the Program consorts with the policy of academic internationalization promoted by MOE. The program comprises courses of elementary,
intermediate, high-intermediate, and advanced levels. The elementary and intermediate levels focus on the acquisition of daily Chinese, while
culture-oriented topics constitute the core of the high-intermediate and advanced courses. The classes are small in size. The instructors are all
highly experienced and professionally trained with the teaching certificate.


First of all, take a look at our General Course Guidelines (below).  It will help you find out the Chinese level that suits you.  Note that NCHU
won't issue a certificate to you unless your attendance and performance in class satisfy standards set up by instructors and the Language
Center.  A bilingual questionnaire, intended to promote the mutual understanding between instructors and students, is proceeded by the
end of each class. 

2021 Term Schedule
Spring      --- 2021/03/02 ~ 2021/05/22
Summer   --- 2021/06/01 ~ 2021/08/20
Fall           --- 2021/09/01 ~ 2021/11/19
Winter     --- 2021/12/01 ~ 2022/02/18
**The dates are subject to minor adjustment due to holidays or other reasons.
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