【OIA】2024 NCHU Ambassador (2024 Summer Vacation)

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Recently, more and more international students are interested in studying in Taiwan, so we hope to enhance the popularity of NCHU. As a student of NCHU, you must have many wonderful experiences and ideas to share with your junior schoolmates, family members and friends, and even the world. Therefore, the Office of International Affairs would like to invite you to become an ambassador and promote NCHU from your perspective. Come and join us!


  1. International students (including students of dual degree programs) and Overseas Chinese students officially enrolled in NCHU.
  2. Students can join individually or by groups (except for project 2- personal experience article).


  1. Back Home/Online Promotion
  2. Personal Experience Article
  3. Short Film
  4. Distributing Promotional Materials

* Students can participate in multiple projects, and may attend by gruops except for Personal Exprience Article.

Registraion Period

May 1st, 2024 ~ June 21tst 2024

Final Work Submission Deadline

September 30th, 2024


Step 1 ▶ Fill out the online form during the registration period ▶ Registration

A brief script is required to apply for Short film. 👉Download Short Film Script Template (File updated on May 3 2024)

Step 2 ▶ Upload the work to the designated website after completion ▶ File-Upload

Back Home Online Promotion Templates:
📁Report Template New 
📁List of Participant

📁Personal Experience Article Template
📁Distributing Promotional Materials Template
📁Declaration of Right Holders Consent 


👋 Orientation for 2024 Summer & Award Ceremony for 2024 Winter

👩‍🏫Download PPT  📸 Photo Album




Project 1.
Back Home
/Online Promotion

Project 2.
Personal Experience Article
Project 3.
Short Film
Project 4.
Distributing Promotional Materials
Quota of Awardees Up to 18 groups Up to 3 articles Up to 13 films Up to 40 groups
Amount of Award

Outstanding  Mention Award: NT$ 4,000
Honorable Mention Award: NT$ 2,000

Gold Medal Award*1: NT$ 800
Silver Medal Award*1: NT$ 700
Bronze Medal Award*1: NT$ 600
Gold Medal Award*1: NT$ 8,000
Silver Medal Award*1: NT$ 7,000
Bronze Medal Award*1: NT$ 6,000
Honorable Mention Award: NT$ 5,000
Line Points 50 points

Rules for Receiving Awards

  1. The payment for all projects will be reviewed and awarded by the Office of International Affairs in accordance with the rules after the deadline of receiving the works.
  2. Students are required to provide their ARC and work permit and sign the relevant written documents when receiving the awards. In addition, for students who have resided in Taiwan for less than 183 days as of the date of receiving payment, a 20% income tax will be deducted from the amount paid.
  3. To apply for work permit, please refer to Current Students - Work Permit



  • The purpose of this project is to share experiences from the students' perspective about studying at NCHU, with all activities to be led by the students themselves.
  • The Office of International Affairs can provide resources including promotional brochures, school introduction presentations and videos, or school emblem audiovisual materials, and the loan of recording equipment.
  • The Office of International Affairs cannot provide the following: assistance in arranging and inviting university officials such as the President or the Director of International Affairs to attend student-led recruitment promotional meetings or to deliver opening speeches, the loan of conference rooms or venues, or the setup of video conferencing equipment.

Back Home/Online Promotion

  1. The theme should be focused on the introduction and promotion of NCHU, with no restrictions on the form (such as presentations and lectures ) and the duration of the event is flexible.
  2. The target audience for promotion should be at least 5 people.
  3. Regulations on the Promotions After Returning to the Country:
    • It is recommend to promote in your alma mater/home school or the school where you teach.
    • Photos/video recordings are required during the event.
    • Photo/video records, participant lists and their email addresses should be provided after the event.
  4. Regulations on Online Promotion:
    • Online Promotion can be performed through online software such as Google Meet.
    • The entire process should be recorded and the link to the recording, participant list and their email addresses should be provided.
  5. For related promotional materials and supplies, please apply for Project 4 (Distributing Promotional Materials).
  6. Evaluation Method: The Office of International Affairs may evaluate the promotional activities conducted by students based on the following criteria:
    (1) Method of Implementation (on-campus promotion/online seminars, etc.)
    (2) Promotional Media (creation of posters or promotional images/social media promotion, etc.)
    (3) Number of Target Audience (at least 5 people required)
    (4) Event Documentation (video recording and editing, photography, etc.)
    (5) Follow-up after the Event (sending NCHU application information to participants after the event)
    (6) Official Documentation from Foreign Schools (such as certificates of appreciation, proof of service, etc.) is preferred.

  7. Prize Description: The awards will be given based on merit, with seven individuals selected for Excellence Awards (NT$ 4,000 each) and up to eleven individuals for Honorable Mention (NT$ 2,000 each).

    📁Report Template New 
    📁List of Participant

Personal Experience Article About Studying at NCHU

  1. Must use the specified format in a PowerPoint file. The layout of graphics and text can be freely designed, with one slide in English and one in your native language for each topic. In total, there should be 10 slides (5 in English and 5 in your native language).
  2. Must choose 5 themes out of the following 10 themes: 
    (1)    NCHU admission process (FAQ/reminder, etc.)
    (2)    Reasons for choosing to study at NCHU or reasons for recommending others to study at NCHU
    (3)    Scholarships (the sharing from the scholarship recipients is preferred; the scholarships can be Taiwan Scholarships, TA or other NCHU scholarships)
    (4)    Introduction of your department (e.g. full English programs)
    (5)    The experiences you have gained during your study at NCHU (e.g. professional knowledge, etc.)
    (6)    Chinese Language Learning Courses
    (7)    Extracurricular activities during the school period (e.g. campus activities, etc.)
    (8)    Internship or part-time jobs (important regulations and reminders, anti-fraud info, instructions of applying ARC or work permit, etc.)
    (9)    Life in Taichung/NCHU (transportations/the cost of living/weather, etc.)
    (10)    Faith-friendly (facilities/food/prayer, etc.)
  3. Please name each work file according to "Student ID - Name - Theme - Nationality" and submit both PPT and PDF files. Each student can submit only one final work.
  4. Evaluation Method and Prize Description: The Office of International Affairs will evaluate the reflections written by students based on criteria that include relevance to the topic, design, and richness of content (contents that includes the interaction with NCHU faculties and local Taiwanese students will be preferred). The top selections will be awarded as follows: one Gold Award (NT$ 800 TWD), one Silver Award (NT$ 700 TWD), and one Bronze Award (NT$ 600 TWD) each.

    👉Download Personal Experience Article Template

Short Film

  1. The film must include at least one of the themes:
    (1)    NCHU admission process (FAQ/reminder, etc.)
    (2)    Reasons for choosing to study at NCHU or reasons for recommending others to study at NCHU
    (3)    Scholarships (the sharing from the scholarship recipients is preferred; the scholarships can be Taiwan Scholarships, TA or other NCHU scholarships)
    (4)    Introduction of your department (e.g. full English programs)
    (5)    The experiences you have gained during your study at NCHU (e.g. professional knowledge, etc.)
    (6)    Chinese Language Learning Courses
    (7)    Extracurricular activities during the school period (e.g. campus activities, etc.)
    (8)    Internship or part-time jobs (important regulations and reminders, anti-fraud info, instructions of applying ARC or work permit, etc.)
    (9)    Life in Taichung/NCHU (transportations/the cost of living/weather, etc.)
    (10)    Faith-friendly (facilities/food/prayer, etc.)
  2. The minimum duration of the film is 3 mins and the maximum duration of the film is 5 minutes (including the opening and ending), and the subtitles should be presented in bilingual (student's native language/English).
  3. The logo of the Office of International Affairs should appear at the beginning and end of the film. The formats of video and audio should be MPEG4, AVI, or WMV. The file name should be named according to "Student ID - Name - Theme - Nationality".
  4. It is prohibited to concatenate multiple photos into a video, and it should be presented in a dynamic manner. It would be better to show bilingual signs and facilities on campus.
  5. When applying, a brief script (one page of A4 ) should be provided, and the completed work should comply with the script provided. Each student can only submit one film.
  6. Evaluation Method and Prize Description: The Office of International Affairs will evaluate the video based on filming techniques, including criteria such as relevance to the theme, content script, soundtrack, audio quality, and editing (contents that includes the interaction with NCHU faculties and local Taiwanese students will be preferred). The best entries will be selected for the following awards: one Gold Award (NT$ 8,000), one Silver Award (NT$ 7,000), and one Bronze Award (NT$ 6,000). Additionally, up to ten Honorable Mentions (NT$ 5,000 each) will be awarded.
  7. Recording Devices Retal

    👉Download Short Film Script Template

Distributing Promotional Materials

  1. When applying, specify the number of flyers/brochures and promotional materials you want to receive, the recipients of distributions and the locations of the distributions. Each promotional item is limited to 20 copies per application. If the quantities are not enough, the materials will be provided by the order of registration.
  2. The promotional materials can be collect after June 26 or earlier by your notification.
  3. After distribution, please provide photos and recipient information (names and emails) as proof. 
    👉Download Distributing Promotional Materials Template


  1. The works should be original and copyrighted (works that have not participated in other competitions and won prizes). It is prohibited to reproduce, copy, synthesize, plagiarize, copy others, or violate public orders and good customs. Additionally, it is obligated to ensure that the work does not infringe the trademark, patent, copyright, and other relevant laws and regulations of the third party. In the event of disputes over rules or copyright, the organizer reserves the right to disqualify an entered work and recover an awarded prize. If notified that the entered work's copyright is in dispute or is in violation of intellectual property rights, the work may be disqualified by the organizer; the entrant is liable for all legal repercussions and compensation arising from related disputes.
  2. The property rights of the submitted works and the digital files of the original works (in accordance with the provisions of Section 4 of Chapter III of the Copyright Act) should be transferred to the organizer as of the date of announcement of the prize, and the winner should promise not to exercise his or her moral rights against the organizer. The organizer has the right to use the work for public purposes (such as publicity, decoration, exhibition, publication of newspapers and magazines, webpage production, publication, sale of publications or printing of books, etc.) without extra remuneration.
    👉Download Declaration of Right Holders Consent 
  3. Reference links: 
  4. The Office of International Affairs reserves the right to reserve, add, modify, and change any terms and conditions for selection.


  1. If I want to take part in 2 categories of projects at once, namely 1 group category and 1 individual category, is that possible? Can I both participate as a group for “filming” and individual for writing “personal experience gained from studying at NCHU”?
    Yes you can. One student can participate in multiple projects, both individual or in group.

  2. Would we certainly get the reward once submitting the piece of work? How we get the reward, by cash or online transaction?
    Whether you receive the reward depends on the work you submit. OIA will send pre-approval email after the registration deadline to confirm with your application.
    The reward will be transfer to your account by school. If you participate as a group, the reward will only be transfer to one of your account.

Contact Us

Ms. Laurel Lai, Information Technology and Innovation Division
Office of International Affairs, NCHU 
Tel: 04-22840206 ext. 29
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.